ServicesOn a journey to create healthier lives
Accident & Emergency
We take emergencies very seriously. Whether an accident or any kind of mishap; we deal with it immediately. For us, a life is very important. The staff includes: paramedics, nurses, diagnostic radiographers, reception staff, porters, healthcare assistants and emergency medicine doctors. All necessary emergency medical training is given to the medical staff.
Emergency Quick Action
When there’s an emergency, like an accident or a heart attack, some patients require on the spot care. For such patients, these ‘Lifeline on wheels’ provide the preliminary medical care. Our goal is to save the lives of most of the people we can.

Lifeline on wheels
Well-equipped and secured ambulances by trained personnel.
An authentic ‘Lifeline on wheels’. -
Great coordination between the control room, ambulances
and the emergency ward in the hospitals -
Systematic emergency rooms in all the hospitals that
are part of the network -
Common functional and medical etiquette across the system
Training and guidance for doctors and other staff
to be in sync on procedures required for pre-hospital and in-hospital care
Burr hole Surgery
Maxillo Facial Surgery
Our Performance

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